I took a couple of weeks off to really think, and pray about the direction of this blog. During this time off, I have been listening to, and observing everything around me.
As bits and pieces began to come together in my mind, I began to see a clearer picture. I began to realize that it is not so much the act that is the point, but the nature that produced the act.
Christ, being God in the flesh, had the ability to love in its perfection. It is His nature. And, He displayed this perfect love in actions that all the world could see. The bible intentionally refrains from giving any type of physical description of Christ. Why? Because it is not important. What is important is His embodiment of both His perfect human nature, and His perfect divine nature.
So where does this leave us? We don't have the luxury of a perfect nature, but, we do have the next best thing. As believers, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. God promises that, through His Spirit, we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We will take on a new nature, as we become one with Christ.
So, can we develop a nature of love as Christ loved? We'll have to see.
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